
Off-Page Optimization For Your Blog part 1

Let's gain more trafifc for your blog by doing an off-page optimization.
"How..?" You said...!

Well, read this first: :D

Directories are the best place to post, like article directories, they improve your traffic by a lot, but can take a long time and a lot of waiting to do, but it’s worth it for amount of traffic you can gain, providing you have good articles/content.

Writing an article for another blog (You can earn some cash here) with a backlink to your blog, the only downside to this is, many clients won’t be too happy with a backlink to your blog, so this isn’t a suggest method, but if you are interested in trying it out, check out these articles (Written by myself) on article-writing.

Putting your link in a forum signature, alike article writing, post on somebody else’s forum for money, then just stick your link in you accounts sig and you can gain some extra-cash and traffic, most web masters don’t mind this.

Commenting do-follow blogs with a link back to your blog, commenting blogs is one of the few things I hate to do, I get so many spam-comments from people with like 100 links, all just google bombing, it’s really annoying but it’s something you have to accept, but I have a anti-spam filter so I don’t mind it too much, but if your going to do it, make sure the blog is do-follow, posting on no-follow blogs is pointless, spiders wont follow the link.

Designing graphics and asking blogs to leave a backlink to your blog.
It’s a great way to get some more traffic and a free backlink, this only really applies if you're good at graphics, you can make people signatures and have your link in quite small text on there, it’s good when you have short URLs, not a long URL though.

Yahoo Answers, answer questions with a link back to your blog. This is a great way to get more traffic to your blog and gain some backlinks, because they will want to visit your blog because it’s related to what their asking a question about, so theirs no reason for them not to go to your blog, is there? :D


RichardSmith said...


Nice post! The most important off-page elements are backlinks and Link Exchange which are the links to your website page that need to be relevent for achieving the best results.

Thanks for sharing....

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